Stepping on unit


If you must step on the unit for maintenance purposes, always wear safety shoes.

Use proper safety devices that prevent falling.

Do not step over SM/SRM™ units.

SM™/SRM™ and SD™ models

On the left, there is the SM/SRM™ model. Do not step over the units.

On the right, there is the SD™ model. Walkable areas are marked in Walkable areas of AlfaSolar SM/SRM™ and SD™ units.

Figure: Walkable areas of AlfaSolar SM/SRM™ and SD™ units

= Walkable area

SRD™ models

Walkable areas of the SRD™ models are not limited on the deck plate. Note the slippery edges.

You can use the liquid cooler top cover plates as a service desk. Alfa LU-VE recommends installing handrails and using safety harness. Solutions for handrails and mounting legs are available from Alfa LU-VE.